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More Information on Essiac Tea

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According to research, more than twenty thousand people die from cancer every day all over the world. These figures are alarming and researchers are working round the clock to find a cure to this deadly disease. Today, people are turning to traditional herbs to cure many diseases including cancer. In recent days, a huge population has been seen to embrace natural health remedies and one of the contributing factors is their minimal side effects as compared to medicines. The Essiac tea for cancer is one of the most popular herbal remedy that is being widely used due to its many health benefits. In this article, we will expound more on the origin and the immense benefits essiac tea has on a human body.

Rene Caisse, a Canadian nurse made a claim in 1920 that essiac tea could heal cancer patients. One of Rene’s patients received the tea from an Ontario Ojibwa medicine man and got cured of breast cancer. After witnessing her patient’s cure of cancer, Rene began the journey of introducing essiac tea to the world as an alternative cure for cancer. After receiving the formula from her patient, Rene later on opened a cancer clinic in Ontario where she offered the treatment to cancer patients without charging them a penny. Although her clinic was closed down few years later by the cancer commissioner of Canada, Rene was never discouraged but continued to distribute the tea to her cancer patients up to 1970s.

Essiac tea is made from four ingredients namely; burdock root, Indian rhubarb root, sheep sorrel and slippery elm. Burdock root and sheep sorrel are known for killing cancer cells due to their anticancer properties making them the two main ingredients in essiac tea. Also, they are known for lowering fever, reducing constipation, lowering blood sugar and reducing wrinkles among other health benefits. It is good to note that Burdock root and sheep sorrel are very hard to acquire due to their rich cancer fighting properties and without them, essiac tea would never have gained popularity as it has today. Indian rhubarb root and slippery elm are known for boosting the immune system, detoxification among other health benefits.

It is noted that for essiac tea to offer expected results, the exact proportions must be used for every ingredient. Also, some studies have suggested that the method of consumption can determine the success rate of the tea in fighting cancer cells. Although Nurse Rene never gave out the original formula, many companies are now manufacturing essiac tea and making slight alterations to the ingredients. After measuring the recommended proportions for each ingredient, they are mixed together and stored in a container. For maximum self-life, the ingredients are required to be stored away from direct light. Although a lot of research is still being conducted to determine the health benefits of essiac tea, more people are embracing herbal remedies. Today, accessing essiac tea has become easier due to the many online stores selling the products. But when purchasing from an online store, it is advisable to ensure they are genuine and selling original and high quality essiac tea.